Building a Home Together

Have you ever heard the quote: “It takes HANDS to build a house, but only HEARTS can build a home”? It’s just a few simple words, but it truly embodies the process and commitment Mike Riddle Construction brings to each project.

When Mike started building homes in the Willamette Valley in 2002, he quickly understood that people feel very passionate about their dream house – new design and construction or remodel…their project is dear to their hearts.

Front entry of a custom home built by Mike Riddle Construction


After building many homes and gaining years of experience, Mike’s energy and passion for his craft remain paramount. His honed skills of orchestrating the entire process, from collaborative designing, scheduling subcontractors, fine-tuning budgets, and maintaining timelines are KEY to each project’s success and clients’ peace of mind. But above all, Mike enjoys working with people and weaving their dreams into reality!

A firm believer in The American Dream and each person’s right to have a product that represents their hopes and hard work, Mike incorporates both his knowledge of construction and his compassion for his clients into every HOUSE built.

Grateful every day for the hands and heart he has been given to serve others, Mike looks forward to talking to you about your custom dream!