The Mike Riddle Construction Team
Mike Riddle

Mike Riddle

Mike Riddle was born in Whittier, California, but raised in Salem, Oregon.  He enjoyed country living his entire childhood and played baseball and football in his school years.  He attended Linfield College, in McMinnville Oregon from 1993-1997, studying sports medicine and health education.  He met his wife, Stefanie, at Linfield and they married in 1998.

After college, Mike taught elementary physical education in Newberg, Oregon for seven years.  It was after their first child was on the way in 2002, that Mike began doing remodeling work in off hours, for additional income so that Stefanie could stay home with their daughter.  He had worked for a custom home builder during his summers, while at Linfield, so he drew on those skills and his enjoyment of the process.

In 2005, with another baby arriving, Mike retired as a school teacher and transitioned to a full-time builder, adding specs and custom homes to his repertoire. And the rest is history…still building and enjoying his family. With four children and a healthy business, Mike always says he is “living the DREAM!”